Spring Break???

It is officially the last day of Spring Break 2018 and I wake up to frost. I apologize calling it Spring Break because I usually call it Easter Break because in our district it coincides with the Easter holiday. Now, because everyone doesn't celebrate the risen Lord we have to pacify the others and call it Spring Break. I will refer to it as both throughout this post so bear with me.

Why the question marks in the title? Many of my friends woke up on Easter morning to a landscape that was reminiscent of Christmas' that Bing Crosby sang about, not Easter. We in North Carolina didn't have this weather malfunction but, my hometown in Central Illinois had a nice blanket of white stuff on the ground. A week later and as I said before we awoke to temps in the 20's on a day I figured I would finish mowing my yard.

Now apart from the irony between the calendar and the weather I will go on with the real reason for my post. If you know anything about me I have a few passions, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my family, friends, Disney and photography, throw in Cardinal baseball and fishing and you can see a shadow of me looking up at you. I sit here with my youngest, Wyatt, who a good portion of the rest of this post will be about. For those of you who do not know the whole story about Wyatt here it is in a nutshell. Wyatt has a brain disorder that affects his development and causes seizures. He is thirteen years old with the developmental age of around four. As parents my wife and I (mainly my wife who is an outstanding woman) have had him diagnosed, poked and prodded to try and figure out how to attack the seizures. He has been on many medicines and takes more medicine at thirteen than many patients in nursing homes. Well, to get to the point, Wyatt is going to have brain surgery in May.

The procedure is called corpus callosotomy it will in layman terms halt the progress of his most severe seizures that cause him to lunge forward. These "drop" seizures have caused Wyatt to split his chin on multiple occasions and have cracked his two front teeth. The neurology team that he sees seems to think that this procedure will be the best option for the type of seizures he has. My wife and I have discussed this and prayed over it and now it is in His hands.

We got confirmation that the surgery will be on May 14, 2018 and Wyatt may be in the hospital for awhile depending on his recovery and some rehab that usually occurs with this type of procedure. I have made arrangements to be able to have the week of May 14 off which will in a way be another week long absence from work. Hopefully the weather will be more Spring like.  I am telling you this not as a whoa is me pity party but as a way to sort it out in my mind. 


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